Thursday, 27 June 2013

My New Best Curvy Friend !!!

Hello my dears !!!!
Last tough month before August vacation :) Right now things are really crazy as I am very very busy . It's all about examinations and I spend all day in front of the office desk preparing the exampapers ...poor students , I know :(

Disturbing thing that happens to me a few days before I left home beloved Espresso-Machine said goodbye to me ! Well , how can someone live without ? So I started searching for a new one . I tested Dolce Gusto vs Tassimo and Dolce did the contest . Far better taste and foam . Right now you can get the Piccolo version for 59 € . I wanted to go for this one but after searching on the net I find the Melody III Red for only 89 € . This one is automatic and very cute !So you can fix warm or cold coffee/tea drinks !!! Now I am a proud owner of it and the good thing is that I have it with me and I already use it on my crazy work days which is a good thing for my colleagues too as they spend a lot of time in my office :) I know they like me but somehow I have the feeling that they like the Melody as much or maybe more ???? hahahahaha But it's ok , they know I am a kind person ( mostly ) and as the weather does not allow us to go outside much ( hot hot hot summer ) I opened the Julias DesCafe :)

(my curvy new best best friend)
(can you smell it ? ) :)
(doesn't that look delicious ???)

It's really very very hot right now and if there is no real emergency it's better to stay inside the A/C . No biking at all :( and I really miss it . Hopefully things will get better the next days ! And if we must go outside we stay close to water... any kind !!! :)
At nights things are a bit better ... so we went to a greek folklore festival on the full moon night ! I could not make a good picture of the moon (with my iphone) which made me mad as it was magical !!!


                                    Have a great "cool" day <3
                                       Love, Hugs & XXX
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Thursday, 13 June 2013

"Stand by me" - Book Review German

Book Review for "Stand by me " from Sheila O' Flanagan 
Again I could be part of a reading Circle . It was a great pleasure and I enjoyed it very much . Sheila O' Flanagan wrote a great book about Relationships , Family , Decisions and Live .
It is a great Book for Vacation or relaxing hours at home . 

Und wieder durfte ich bei einer Leserunde dabei sein . 
"Bis das Glueck mich findet" von Sheila O'Flanagan 
Ein sehr schoenes Buch fuer den Urlaub oder ein paar ruhige Stunden auf der Couch um die Seele baumeln zu lassen . 

Dominique Brandy waechst in einem strengen katholischen Elternhaus in Dublin auf. Ihr Bruder Gabriel teilt die Liebe ihrer Eltern zu Gott und moechte Priester werden .Doch Dominique hat andere Traeume . Sie moechte raus aus dem Elternhaus und die Welt erleben . Da tritt Brendan in ihr Leben . Ein zielstrebiger Mann der sich viel vorgenommen hat und beruflich aufsteigen moechte. Gemeinsam schaffen sie es das glamoroeseste Paar Irlands zu werden bis das Glueck sie eines Tages verlaesst und Dominique vor schweren Entscheidungen steht ...

Das Buch ist sehr schoen und fluessig geschrieben . Ich konnte mich von der ersten Seite an gut  einlesen und begleitete begeistert Domniques Leben , vom Teenager bis zur Frau . Irland der 80ger Jahre ist sehr schoen beschrieben und wenn man dieser Altersgruppe angehoert findet man sich bestimmt in manchen Dingen wieder . Ein Buch ueber Emotionen , Beziehungen , Freundschaften und Familie . Ideal fuer den Urlaub oder ein paar ruhige entspannte Stunden auf der Couch . 

Viel Spass beim lesen !!! 

                                Have a great day everyone !!!
                                    Love , Kisses & XXX

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