Happy lazy Sunday everyone ,
last day at home ! Tomorrow I am on the raod again full of memories of a beautiful relaxing month .
Something I am very excited about is that I will get my first tattoo . I am thinking about some years now and now is the time . I want a wrist tattoo reminding me that I am a fighter ( getting over some difficult times ) .
So this past days I am searching all over the web for some designs , ideas ...
I would love to have a birds - star - word combination . This is no easy as I find out . Colour should be black but with on small red detail . Also I am not sure if I want it on my left or right wrist ...puh , people are right when they say that finding the right tattoo is a headache . It's for a lifetime and it would be great to like it everyday for the rest of your life . I don't want to end up like this hahaha
last day at home ! Tomorrow I am on the raod again full of memories of a beautiful relaxing month .
Something I am very excited about is that I will get my first tattoo . I am thinking about some years now and now is the time . I want a wrist tattoo reminding me that I am a fighter ( getting over some difficult times ) .
So this past days I am searching all over the web for some designs , ideas ...
I would love to have a birds - star - word combination . This is no easy as I find out . Colour should be black but with on small red detail . Also I am not sure if I want it on my left or right wrist ...puh , people are right when they say that finding the right tattoo is a headache . It's for a lifetime and it would be great to like it everyday for the rest of your life . I don't want to end up like this hahaha
But I also figured out that too much searching can be bad also cause you find a lot of things you like and for me this means that I could be ending up like this but no , I am already scared to shit getting a small one ....
Well , as long as people like theirself I am fine with it !!!
I want to share some designs with you I like
What do you think of them ? Would be great if you could tell me all about the pain and chosing your tattoo experiences ...
have a lovely day