Sunday, 2 February 2014

Batik - get wilddddd !

Hello there <3 
I hope you all had a great January . 
For me it was full of work and exams and that is why I decided to do something creative and fun to welcome February :) 
Many years back , when I was at school , we did a lot of creative things with our clothes . The most popular was BATIK !!! And still , till this days I cant resist on this beautiful T-Shirts . So , taking a look at my closet I found some Shirts that would find their old glory with this special technique.
What is Batik ? Batiking is the process of waxing and dyeing cloth. The word batik is thought to be derived from the word 'ambatik' which translated means 'a cloth with little dots'. The suffix 'tik' means little dot, drop, point or to make dots. Batik may also originate from the Javanese word 'tritik' which describes a resist process for dying where the patterns are reserved on the textiles by tying and sewing areas prior to dying, similar to tie dye techniques.
But as I have no time to use the wax techniques I did my shirts with knots and cords and I am very happy with the outcome . 
I used Javana colours . Cobalt blue and plum . 
For each colour you need 6 liters of hot water .

I wont give you any instructions cause the fun is to get crazy . Make some knots or swirl your Shirt and lace it firmly . Leave the clothes 20-30 min in the colour and move them constantly . I put them first into the plum colour (half) for about 20 min and the other half  for about 15min into the cobalt blue .

tataaaaaa  ...and that's what they look like now !!!!! As you can see , the first Shirt is the swirling technique and the others are with knots .

Well , I hope I could "infect" you for some "Batik/Wild/Fun" time !

Have a wonderful day everyone !!!
Love - Hugs 

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