greek salad with fresh veggies from the garden and kalamata olives
picking fresh figs from my tree
enjoying the sunset while drinking greek coffee
quiet mornings at the beach
marco enjoying nature
taking naps together
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parents getting mad , you know when they start shouting like :" Janni , Jaaaanniiii , don't go that deep into the sea . " " Marriiaaaaa , put on your hat . Marriiaaaaa " (google image)
this little fellows .... spending all my money on anti mosquitos sprays - creams-roll ons and whatever new magic stuff is on the market ....
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my favorite ....beach raquetes .... you know how it is when you just chill , dreaming , relaxing and bam there comes this killing ball ???? like you wake up in the middle of a war ? and this clac - clac - clac noice .... HATE big time !!!
BUT nevertheless summer is and will be my favorite time of the year . And even thou I listed the hate things without them it wouldn't be a proper summer .
Have a beautiful day eveyone
Love , Hugs