Monday, 25 March 2013

well ....hello there !!!
it's been a while now but I've be working a lot this past week !!! Today 25 of March it is again a holiday here in Greece !We celebrate the War of Independence against the Ottoman Empire . The Greek Revolution was a successful war waged by the Greek revolutionaries of 1821 ! and the Annunciation ( Evangelismos) of Virgin Mary. So all people called Evangelia / Evangelos celebrate their Nameday. 

Today most of the greeks eat the traditional meal "Bakaliaros Skordalia" whis is Cod fish with garlic mashed potatoes. Very delicious !!! You can find the recipe here

Apart from working I also went to the movies and watched  "I'am  so excited “ from Pedro Almodovar . It was such a great break and I really laughed a lot . I like Almodovar very much . His view of things , the sarcastic touch he always brings into his movies . The movie is about a flight going to Mexico City . During the flight some technical problem shows up and the plane is making circles over Toledo until the tower finds  a free landing space . And here is were the story begins .How much of your private life do you share when you feel that the end is coming ? Different people , different life’s , secrets that are melting …..

And as the weather is getting warmer everyday and the trees and flowers blossom I find some nice spring looks , hope you like them as much as I do !

That's for now .....have a great Day xxx

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